Detection of Afib: Atrial fibrillation, the most severe form of cardiac arrhythmias
Clinically validated: Protocol ESH (2010) clinical accuracy, including preeclamptic for pregnant women
Double size cuff: M-L : 22-42 cm
Easy reading: WHO scale indicator / Large backlit display
2 possible users: 100 reading memory recall per user
Dual power supply: Battery or USB cable (provided)
3 year warranty
800 000 people in France have atrial fibrillation. Every year, more than 200 000 new people are treated.
Source: (April 2021 Santé publique France)

The AFib BIOSYNEX blood pressure monitor automatically measures human beings’ Systolic, Diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate by oscillometric method. The measurement results are displayed on the LCD. Measurement position is at human being’s arm. The intended use of this over-thecounter device is for adults with arm circumference ranging from 220 mm to 420 mm and for home use. When the device detects the appearance of irregular heartbeats during measurement, an indicated symbol will appear with measuring readings.
Frequently asked questions
When should i take my blood pressure?
How to place my AFib blood pressure monitor?
How to interpret my results?
How to detect an irregular hearbeat or atrail fibrillation?