• Detection of THC and its metabolites in the urine (up to 70 days for heavy consumptions)

  • Sensible, 50 ng/ml

  • Rapid, result in 5 minutes

  • +99% reliable

Cannabis use increases the risk of being responsible for a fatal road accident by 1.8 times.*

Source : ofdt.fr
Self-test Cannabis illustration

Urine toxicity testing relies on simple immunological techniques. The speed and sensitivity of these immunoassays have made them a widely used urine screening method. The sensitivity of this test makes it possible to detect THC and its metabolites as urinary evidence of Cannabis consumption. The use of this drug, which is banned in many countries, can alter perceptions and behaviour. Take a self-test to find out if you can drive, or adapt your consumption behaviour.


  • 1 pouch containing : 1 cartridge, 1 pipette
  • 1 collection cup
  • 1 instruction manual


Frequently asked questions

  • For whom is our cannabis sel-test intended?

  • How to interpret the results?

  • How long after stopping cannabis does the test become a negative one?

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